Unique crochet pieces handmade in Cornwall.

About us!


Yarn Olive began as a hobby. Crocheting was something calming for me to do when my daughter Rae was very young! I started out by making gifts for friends and their babies.

As time went on I was struggling to find unique and good quality winter wear for all of us. So I thought ‘I can do that myself!’ And I did. The hat you can see Rae wearing in the photo included was the very first two-tone beanie I ever made. I was so so proud of it- I still am. I had no idea that others would love them too and want to buy their own!

I am so passionate about children and adults having access to EXCELLENT quality items that will withstand whatever is thrown at them (literally with toddlers!). Although buying handmade allows you to customise everything to your needs and taste, it is so much more than that. Buying handmade from a small business like mine does so much for our families. There is no escaping that handmade costs more, but you are directly supporting a person, you’re advocating for the self-employed, you’re moving against fast fashion, and having a positive impact on our environment. Even if you can’t or choose not to buy, any engagement- likes/shares do so much for us.

I source the best materials I can, use local businesses for all of my packaging, and each tag is handmade by another small business!

I hope you love my items as much as I do! So much love goes into every single piece that’s made here at home in Cornwall!

Charlotte x